Federal resumes have a distinct style that’s unlike any other type of resume. They demand more detail, going beyond the usual work experience and education listed on most resumes. They include this additional information to make vetting easier, and they usually run four to six pages long. Our course educates and certifies students on the particulars needed for a federal resume and how to find them. We draw on knowledge from resumes we have developed, outlining best practices that you won’t find in other courses. Our proven process will help you strategize when writing a resume, determining the most critical information to include and what to leave out. During certification, you will learn:
Our course can benefit a range of professionals, including Department of Labor personnel, federal human resources employees, military readiness and transition specialists, college counselors and family readiness specialists.
Every three years on the anniversary date of your initial certification, you will be required to recertify as a Master Federal Resume Writer™. The cost to recertify is $1000.00. Recertification can be completed online and virtually.
We teach using a step-by-step process our students can reproduce after they finish the course. Our instruction includes methods for helping job seekers tailor their resumes to the jobs they want. Our classes are flexible, allowing busy professionals to complete the work at their own pace. Students receive a range of useful resources, including our “Roadmap to Federal Jobs” book, templates and sample resumes. At the end of the certification, you will complete a final project, writing two federal resumes for fictional clients based on sample resumes, position descriptions and performance appraisals we provide. When you receive certification, it is valid for three years.
Are you ready to improve your skills and add a valuable new talent to your own resume? Our online course costs $1,900. Reach out to Lee Kelley, Master Federal Career Advisor/Trainer and Director of Training Development, at lee.kelley@careerprocenter.net to learn more and register. You can also give us a call at 800-471-9201.