ECQ Writing Online Courses

Online ECQ Writing Course Introduction:

CareerPro Global’s seasoned SES coaches and writers have pulled back the curtain on how we assist so many clients in landing SES positions. In this first-ever online course for writing executive core qualifications, you will learn the right “mindset” for approaching your ECQs, which is half the battle. Next, you will receive our exclusive Executive Core Qualifications training and builders, and guidance for writing each individual ECQ. With the ECQ Mastery Course, you will even receive written feedback on your work from one of our senior executive writers!

By learning about the proven best practices, you will then be walked through a step-by-step process for developing your best ECQs. Your chances of success will improve dramatically when you take our ECQ training and writing course.

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Our ECQ Online Course Prepares You To Meet OPM’s Requirements

All of our tools and training in our online ECQ writing courses reflect the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) guidelines and our best practices learned from collaborating with more than 5,000 SES applicants. We’ve researched, studied, and only advise on all proven best practices. CareerPro Global has even launched an internally based Quality Management System and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) based on our observations of OPM’s preferences.

By focusing on your best executive leadership career stories and understanding what pitfalls to avoid, we prepare you on how to best hone your executive-level career stories. From the Best Practices video, to the exclusive ECQ builders, to the training provided for each individual executive core qualification, every part of this course is designed to help you “lay out the red carpet” and present your best career stories and accomplishments in a way that OPM will appreciate and understand.

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Price: $900

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Course Description:

Want to write your own ECQs but don’t know where to begin? This course will not only educate you on the proven best practices and the right mindset you’ll need for approaching ECQ development, but it will also take you, step by step, through selecting your topics and then writing your ECQs in the Challenge-Context-Action-Results (CCAR) format. With this kind of expert training and a proven process, your chances of success increase dramatically!

  1. Receive training from the best career management service in Resume Writing, Training, Best Practice and Career Coaching.
  2. Learn proven best practices in developing your ECQs, and then you will be walked through by our Director of Training via video, every step of the way.
  3. Receive our custom ECQ builders and samples for each ECQ with comprehensive details and suggestions.
  4. Utilize our online training course for up to three months. Set the course at your own pace.
  5. This training provides the option for SES candidates to receive individual assistance with developing an effective set of online ECQs that can be approved and paid for by your federal agency.


Price: $1,800

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Course Description:

This course features all of the great training from our ECQ Best Practices Course, but takes things to the next level; after you complete writing each ECQ, you will email it to one of CareerPro Global’s expert SES writers. Your assigned writer will then provide you with detailed written feedback and recommended changes inside the document. You will then revise your ECQs based on the feedback, and the writer will review once more and provide a second round of written feedback. With a proven process and an expert writer reviewing your materials, you can develop a set of ECQs that represent your top career stories and increase your confidence when applying for SES positions!

  1. Learn proven best practices in developing your ECQs, and then you will be walked through by our Director of Training via video, every step of the way.
  2. Receive our custom ECQ builders and samples for each ECQ with comprehensive details and suggestions.
  3. Utilize our online training course for up to three months. Set the course at your own pace.
  4. This training provides the option for SES candidates to receive individual assistance with developing an effective set of online ECQs that can be approved and paid for by your federal agency.
  5. Receive two rounds of written feedback from an executive writer with edits and suggestions on how to improve your content; ensure your ECQs are written in the CCAR (Challenge-Context-Action-Results) format, your stories are executive in scope, and that all 28 competencies and 7 fundamental competencies are addressed. Scheduling is required with a 5- to 10-day turnaround.
  6. We will even include one round of proofreading at no cost.


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